Eliana Verdi is an avid environmentalist and curious global citizen. She is passionate about living presently and as part of this, remaining grounded – without the influence of technology. Being a dedicated mental health advocate, Eliana recently wrote her own TEDTalk about the detrimental effects that technology addiction has on child development, as well as anxiety and depression. She has also done several projects on food insecurity in the United States, along with how this is impacted by climate change and environmental racism. In response, Eliana is passionate about growing her own food and encouraging others to do the same. Last spring, she attended The Island School, a 100 day semester program in the Bahamas centered around self reflection, marine biology, and environmental conservation. Eliana has also been an all-star cheerleader for 13 years, a sport that she has to thank for her leadership skills, strong mind, and positivity. For college, Eliana will be attending Vanderbilt University, majoring in Environmental Sociology.
Eliana Verdi
Email: verdie21@bcdschool.org

Abby is passionate about leadership and social activism. As a member of the Mi’kmaq First Nations community in Eskasoni, Nova Scotia, Abby is adamant about indigenous peoples rights and its ties to environmentalism. Abby has worked on several projects in regards to this, including two theses on colonization and reconciliation, organizing a workshop on decolonizing environmentalism, giving a talk on intergenerational trauma, and working on a land acknowledgment. Abby has also been the president of the Beaver Environmental Action Team for three years. During the school year, Abby works at CareOne Newton helping patients facilitate Zoom calls with their families. During her summers, she works at YMCA Camp Nellie Huckins where she learns and teaches leadership skills to young girls. She has been an athlete on varsity soccer and basketball since her freshman year of high school which has refined her already strong work-ethic and taught her how to collaborate with others on a team. She plans to attend Dartmouth College in the fall and hopes to major in Native American studies and environmental studies. In her free time, Abby loves to run, read, and spend time outdoors with her dog.
Abby Burgess
Email: burgessa21@bcdschool.org

Max is in 11th grade and lives in Wayland and Wellesley. He is a leader of the CAD (computer aided design) club at school and enjoys 3D art and design. Max works on the weekends as a bank teller in Maynard and attended his past winter term at school doing the NuVu program in Cambridge. At NuVu he worked on a project where he studied the United States’ GDP and how it related to median household income to show income inequality. Max is very passionate about fighting economic inequality and has hosted an oxfam hunger banquet along with doing the walk for hunger to raise awareness about food insecurity in his community. He is also very passionate about combating antisemitism and has spoken out about it as a Jewish person himself. Max’s favorite activity is skiing and he enjoys spending time with friends and watching sports with his family.